
Resin (white) Fillings depending on the location and surfaces
from $190 to $390

Dental and Teeth Bonding

Dental bonding is a painless and inexpensive way to improve the look of your smile. The appearance of irregular-shaped, chipped or discolored teeth can be greatly improved through the use of dental bonding. Additionally, dental bonding is sometimes used as a substitute for traditional fillings.

What To Expect With A Dental Bonding Procedure

Once you and your dentist determine which tooth or teeth need to be worked on, a resin matching the color of your other teeth will be applied. The dentist will shape the resin as desired and use a light source to fully bond and harden the resin to your tooth. This ensures the resin is securely affixed to your teeth. Afterward the bonding may be polished to match your surrounding teeth. Dental bondings typically are completed within a single dental visit and don’t require anesthesia.

Taking Care of Dental Bondings

Care for your dental bondings as you would for any of your teeth. Remember to floss every day and brush after meals, and use a fluoride rinse. Dental bonds can stain just like regular teeth, so try to avoid drinks like tea and coffee which are notorious for staining teeth. Drinking non-clear fluids like sodas and juices through a straw is a great trick for avoiding tooth stains and keeping your teeth pearly white. Don’t forget to see your dentist every six months for a cleaning and your teeth and dental bonds will be in great condition for years to come.

Dental bondings are a quick and pain free way to improve your smile. We accept a number of different dental insurances to accommodate our patients. Schedule an appointment online. If you would prefer to speak directly to someone about scheduling an appointment or have questions, please call either of our two locations listed below.

Visit us at one of our three locations